Church Of EON
Saturday 4 Feb 2017 saw Church Of Eon play Brighton.
Church Of Eon
Church Of Eon are a Pop Punk band with a difference, the difference being, this is a band that is directly connected to the heyday of British music. The band is fronted by Nic Austin who many people will know from the legendary band Chelsea, who grace any book on rock n roll. Many over the years have acclaimed Nic’s songwriting skills, illustrated by classic albums such as Evacuate and The Alternative. The band is based in London, and sports, Nic Austin on vox and guitars, Lee Morrell on Drums, Lee (Dairy) Page on Bass, Simon Godfrey on Keys, and Marc Jefferies on Guitar.
Church Of Eon has just released for download 2 new tracks from the fourth coming second album due for release in 2017. The next album will be a massive jump, to coin a phrase from the first album “Eat that honey” The band is looking to expand its presence on the festival scene, and preach to the unconverted. Keep an eye and an ear out for these guys, you will not be disappointed. They are due to play at Undercover 5, just check for those dates! See you down the front!
- Church Of EON
- Church Of EON
- Church Of EON
- Church Of EON
- Church Of EON
The set for Brighton was almost an hour, and thankfully the guys got an extra 10 mins beyond curfew cut off time. It would have been sad not to hear all the songs that the guys had prepped up for us.
The stage lights dimmed, the band stood on stage with their backs to a very full Prince Albert crowd. The drum kit glowing in the darkness – red – green – blue, the band logo clearly seen and standing out on the bass drum cover. The intro concluded and a cheer went up. The band turned to face us and the band kicked in.

Church Of EON
Make no mistake. From the get go these guys powered at us with everything they had. “Died and Gone” and “Heartbreaker” kicked off the set. Two powerful songs showing off the power and energy of the band with Nic towering over us, looking immaculate and the look finished with white sunglasses and a cool T Rex T shirt. He beat the living hell out of his guitar as chords and riffs hit the audience between the ears. He means business!
Nic shouted “EON” – my name being Ian – I looked up, no such luck! “EON, EON, EON” and the crowd joined in with the chant. And we were catapulted into the track. Lee powers at you with such ferocity and skill – tempo and rhythm changes supported by Lee M on the sticks. Both working together to support the guitar prowess of Nic and Marc. Simon, at the back of the stage providing some damned fine keyboard work. All of the musicians creating a pure buzz of punkish rock and roll you are not likely to forget for a long time. Nic was really on top form only stopping briefly for a few words and even a smile as he chatted with us in the crowd.

Church Of EON
“Maybe Forever” and “We Don’t Believe” were up next. The guitars picked up a riff I recognised but failed to place immediately, the drums kicked in with the bass, the keyboards soared above the band as Simon hit a synthed up brass sound, then it hit me “Mamma Mia”. Yep! “Mamma Mia”. Abba have just announced they may get back together – this version may just stop them! This was an awesome arrangement and the crowd went wild. I have never heard such a worthwhile re-work! Its better and just what this old song needed!! This kicked the roof off the Albert. The sound shaking the windows, fists pumping the air. Just extraordinary. Have a listen as you read and look. Turn it up loud – its the only way! A twist of genius on a classic…..
“Here it Comes” and “All That Glitters” closed the set. The Church Of Eon left the stage drenched with sweat, the crowd left the Albert drenched in sweat. The rendition of Mamma Mia being talked about and hummed. What a set. Thank you for a charged night of music Church Of Eon.
And Finally
Nic needed a team that could make his vision shine and ended up with more than he bargained for, a blend of experience that can only be described as a powerful chemistry. The Band shares the same vision and all bring their unique skills to the party, creating a new and very different sound. In the past Nic has worked with top people in the industry such as Miles Copeland, Billy Idol, and Tony James, and the team surrounding C Of E is expanding fast. The release of the first album received huge critical acclaim and live appearances around the country have reinforced the bands reputation. “Church Of Eon is a breath of fresh air in todays music” (vive le rock magazine) – Agreed!
Many thanks to Nic Austin – you are a gent for allowing me to take the pics and also to the band for letting me!
Church Of Eon are on the web
Church of Eon are on Facebook
Promoter: Punker Bunker
Please note all images/videos are copyright, please do not copy. If any of the featured artists/venues would like copies of the images – or more if available – please get in touch.
All pictures – copyright to IANB/MEDIA WORKS/ Scene Sussex/ Ian “The Lens” Bourn 2017.