The Lips Can Kill team return. Gig report!

LIps Can Kill 2: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

LIps Can Kill 2: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Lips Can Kill2 – The Prince Albert – Sunday 6 March 2022 (school night!)

Lips Can Kill was back in town in Brighton at The Prince Albert. If I recall the concept was launched in 2019. Lips can Kill 1 hit the Albert in November 2019, and I was being clobbered by COVID so I missed it. To bring to the fore front female driven bands was the driver for this project and to give the more dominant male groups a run for their money. It worked beautifully!

This event was going to pull in 4 bands, they change the line up order for each gig so each band has a shot at going on “first” or take it in turns to “headline”. Great idea. Nina, Healthy Junkies after their set, they were first on, said she had enjoyed the opening slot as she could now relax a bit and enjoy a glass of wine when the other bands were playing. The bands are all London based, but the singers are from far and wide. Nina (Healthy Junkies) is originally from France,  Myura (Pollypikpocketz) is from  Sri Lankan heritage, Dolly (Tokyo Taboo) is British and Analise (Yur Mum) came over to the UK from Brazil.

Set 1 – Healthy Junkies

Healthy Junkies: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Healthy Junkies: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Up front are Nina Courson and the enigmatic Phil Honeyjones. I have loved the output from these guys for a while now after grabbing a copy of the album Box Of Frogs a few years ago. This proved to be, once again, a rock solid set of material.

Healthy Junkies: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Healthy Junkies: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Nina is of course her usual self as she struts and writhes around all over the stage. A bit of Bette Davis – Baby Jane vibe from time to time as she twists around the stage. Her face can totally change through the performance. The Junkies are special. She is totally mesmerising. The Heathy Junkies band do not miss a beat. Ever.

In Slides:

  • Healthy Junkies: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
    Healthy Junkies: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Healthy Junkies: SET

This Is Not A Suicide – Runaway Devil – I Don’t Give A Damn – No Control – Juliette’s Call – The Sound Of My Guitar – Theft – Lion In A Circus

What we got tonight was a terrific medley of songs from their now extensive back catalogue. Each track is on point, loud and fast. I was at the front and looking back into the venue you could see the songs were going down a storm, and I guess many have seen these guys live before. If you have seen these guys before, it doesn’t matter – they are always different, vibrant and fresh. Healthy Junkies continue to be one of the best acts on the live circuit and its always a joy to see them in Brighton. They have a few returns lined up and one includes a support slot for the mighty SpizzEnergi. (Thanks to Nina and Phil for digging out a now rare Lips Can Kill T Shirt 2019 for me – meant a lot x)

Keep in touch with the Healthy Junkies here!

SET 2: PollyPikPocketz

PollyPikPocketz: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

PollyPikPocketz: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

PollyPikPocketz, at last! I had not seen these guys live before. Wow, a great outfit! I had met their bassist previously at another gig, but it was the first time I had seen this band live. And, yep, I loved every minute of the set. Damn they were fun to watch and listen to.

PollyPikPocketz: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

PollyPikPocketz: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

They have been around since 2014 doing their thing, and the line up tonight gave us a heck of a damn cool performance. Great tunes, some hilarious banter and Frog on bass. Its hard to actually describe what they deliver genre wise, sure its punk, its rocky but it is also lively, colourful and full of bounce! It works, their energy and sound will suck you in for their performance. A mix up of flambouyancy and characters. It is hard to pin them down when you have a green haired, with matching eyebrows Punk on bass. You have an out and out Rocker playing those riffs and pulling the moves on guitar. Not forgetting a grunge/rocker on the kit at the back. Up front we have the delightful and talented Myura in a great outfit topped off with a bowler hat. Myura hits the main vocal duties and also bashing the heck out of a single drum. All in all this was a new one for me, it was enjoyable and exciting to watch.

PollyPikPocketz – THE SET:

Handz Off Muthaf**ka – Soul Sukka – Sick To The Core – On Your Way Out – Keyboard Warrior – FUQU – Waving The World Goodbye

In Slides:

  • PollyPikPocketz: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
    PollyPikPocketz: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Keep up to date with PollyPikPocketz here!

SET 3: Yur Mum

YUR MUM: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

YUR MUM: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Oh my, so good to be back in front of Yur Mum. I had last seen these guys and photo’d them at The Hope and Ruin a wee while ago. They blew my socks off when I saw them for the first time. Can they still do that? Oh yes, and then some. And a joy at last to actually meet the charismatic Anelise.

YUR MUM: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

YUR MUM: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Yur Mum are so fresh. They are a perfect fit again for Lips Can KIll. The stage may be a little tighter but that didn’t stop Anelise from jumping, climbing the drum kit or hitting the floor. When I saw them first they had transformed into a two member band. I recall they played it loud! These guys, Anelise and Fabio deliver straight to you audio receptors, ok ears!, a blast of high energy punky fun. Great charisma and some fine banter from this totally dynamic duo ensued as Fabio hit the drums each time Anelise tried to speak. What they do is loud and raw. With the pedals at the feet of Anelise – who needs a guitarist? The sound of that bass was stunning all topped off with her voice – intense riffing and that powerful, shattering scream . I think someone upped the volume for these guys, perfect! Fabio worked hard as his drumsticks hammered down. This was fast, furious and at times raging! And yet between the songs we had the calm between them as the guys chatted and tuned.

Yur Mum: The Set

Kiss And Tell – Dig Deep – Tropical Fuzz – Black Rainbow – Happy Mantra – Sweatshop – New Song – Je Ne Sais Pas

In Slides

  • YUR MUM: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
    YUR MUM: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Keep up to date with YUR MUM here!

SET 4: TOKYO TABOO – Hold on tight!

TOKYO TABOO: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

TOKYO TABOO: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Oh my, so good to meet up with Dolly and Mickey again. Its been bloody ages. These two guys did a load of live streams from their home during the main lock down. It was great to be able to thank them in person for what they did back then. They did Q&A sessions, live acoustic sets, released new music and T Shirts and competitions. They kept many of their fans going whilst there was no live music. I did win one of their competitions, and tonight Dolly set about sorting the “prize”. She asked what I would like and a couple of us came back suggesting maybe a four course meal or even a Spa break weekend? I got a Lips Can Kill original B&W T Shirt that I never had a chance of getting. Thank you so much Dolly, and to Nina, for sorting! I love it – so kind of you to do that.

TOKYO TABOO: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

TOKYO TABOO: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

There is always so much going on with Tokyo Taboo, it is difficult to decide on where to look as the set fired along at us. Self Sabotage and the bands earlier single Whiskey were served up for ust. We were being assaulted on all senses tonight! We had the hammering beats, riffs and performance from the band and then throw into the mix the sweeping power of Dolly’s vocals and her pole performances. Not forgetting the enjoyable on and off stage antics with the band. A massive shout to them tonight, the sound was crispy and punchy and Mickey dressed in his pink suit rocked us hard hitting his guitar along with Jools (bass guitar). Awesome sounds from a mammoth band. While they play Dolly Daggerz astounds the crowd on the pole and with searing vocals, and sometimes doing the two things at once! At one stage Dolly invited everyone to join her sitting down as she sang. A brilliant moment, these guys really know how to engage with everyone. No pleasure Only Pain brought the night to a close.

The music was exactly as it said on the back of the Tokyo Taboo packet ‘power-pop-punk’, with enough soundFX driven from strings and pedals, and dolly twisting the night away will keep your attention. Tokyo Taboo tonight are unique, and tonight quite majestic.


Make It Out Alive – Emotional Suicide – Papercut – Self Sabotage – Whiskey – Drowning – Walls – N.A.R.C.I.S.M – Leech – Pussy Power – No Pleasure Only Pain

In Slides

  • TOKYO TABOO: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
    TOKYO TABOO: photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Thanks to Steve, he drove out and picked up Tokyo Taboo for their set tonight. If he hadnt been able to get time off work, we may not have seen Tokyo Taboo live tonight. You might recognise him from the video American Dream, but here is a shot of him from the video (he’s gonna kill me for that one!) and one après le gig with the bands. Well done Steve.


Tokyo Taboo can be followed here!


If you like your music lively, fun and a bit punky – go see these guys live! You will be in brilliant company and you will find yourself in a place of complete bliss, delight and rock and roll! Yeah! These four ace bands have worked hard and have individually carved out a niche all of their own. Check ’em out.


And Finally…

Much love and respect to all of the bands who played it hard, also to Steve, and a shout to Angel Promotions. Will there be a 3rd round? That’d be a load of fun and something to look forward to.

Words and photos – Ian Bourn, Scene Sussex.


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Please note all original images / video are copyright, please do not copy. If any of the featured artists/promoters/venues want copies of the images – or more if available – please just get in touch.

All original pictures / video – copyright to IANB/MEDIA WORKS/ SCENE SUSSEX – Ian “The Lens” Bourn 2022.

Got an event coming up? Need some gig photography, promo shots, previews or reviews? – please get in touch! See you down the front – come and say “hi!”

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