Welcome to The Jungle: Guns 2 Roses were back!

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Friday 3 September: Guns 2 Roses/Surreal Panther and Mirko Fadda

Concorde 2 – Black Rabbit Productions.

Guns 2 Roses


Concorde 2 was busy tonight. I had a good feeling about tonight. It was hot and clammy outside and very warm inside! The crowd had been well warmed up by Steel Panther tribute, Surreal Panther and solo rock guitarist Mirko Fadda. Scroll down to read all about them! Guns 2 Roses were the well deserved headliners tonight. Concorde 2 was pretty rammed tonight and the heat outside was matched inside the venue, no respite in the shade for anyone tonight and, hell yeah, it was only going to get hotter.

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Now, I imagine most people in their time have owned a copy of Guns N Roses debut album Appetite For Destruction – what an album, but that was really as far as it went for me apart from the few single releases. Never saw them live, and after seeing these guys a couple of years ago,  I was anticipating a great set from Guns 2 Roses.

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Live and Let Die

For a tribute band it was great to see no hesitant crowd members staying towards the back of the venue. The opening riffs of Easy signalled a change in the set list from the last time the guys played here and we saw Axl leap onto the stage, and from that straight into Brownstone. This lit the fuse for the musical display we were about to watch and join in with, the large crowd surged forward. That’s how you do it ladies and gents! A real attention grabber from the get go.

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

The instantly recognisable Wings Bond them Live and Let Die followed. Their rendition of Live and Let Die was pure unadulterated rock and roll energy as the band jumped around the stage, swapping places and avoiding collisions, no mean feat considering the space they had up there. Did I mention the hair, there was so much of it! I have to say I prefer the G’N’R version, and these guys did it justice. We were well shaken after that! The bodies in the crowd danced, bumped and sang, you could only get a sense of what was to come!

(Click on photos to enlarge)

I have to say, and confirm once again, not only do Guns 2 Roses sound exactly like the band they’re paying homage to, but over the time they have spent together playing, they have finely tuned, or indeed crafted, their show to give you an experience of a Guns N’ Roses gig. This was confirmed whilst chatting to some fans of Guns and Roses who had seen the original band play. A brief lull in the ear shattering goodness came in the shape of Knocking On Heavens Door, and again the mighty Brighton choir made a suitable effort in joining in, as “Slash” laid down some super fretwork for that one!

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

What an atmosphere

The set seemed to have been broken into chunks, which was a great idea and yep, the opening barrage of Welcome To The jungle, was pitched at us note and scream perfect. And as the drums and bass kicked in the crowd was riled up again with much air guitar playing and fist pumping! Think About You was next – superb stuff! You Could Be Mine and the tasty Slither came at us in quick succession leading Slash into a guitar solo break and Axl left the stage briefly.

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Again that riff started up as Sweet Child Of Mine was played and Axl bounded back to the stage. Used to Love and Rocket Queen were next, giving the crowd some time to catch their breath!, with some lovely bass lines in Rocket.

Oh my, “Do you want some AC/DC?” we were asked, a massive roar from the crowd kicked off Whole Lotta Rosie. The band were turning it on, maximum power. I thought Slash had fallen of the stage, but he had climbed down to mix it up with the crowd. Brilliant! One fan headbanging the guitar! What an atmosphere had been created by Guns 2 Roses tonight.

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex


Damn, that set went quickly, the sweat was dripping onto the floor after that one. Nighttrain from Appetite For Destruction heralded the beginning of the end of the set. The last song was announced to a roof lifting cheer from the crowd, it was that song… Paradise City. The crowd went wild for this one as Axl blew that whistle, I don’t think one person was standing still and a few hundred voices singing along to every word. A superb end to a brilliant night.

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Axl has absolutely perfected the voice, the hand gestures, mannerisms and dance moves used by err, Axl. The sound, the band, the musicianship all comes together and will put it into a whole experience for anyone going to see them and will give them a night to remember. The band love what they do (they are good at it), they love and clearly appreciate their fans and for a ticket price seriously less than the real guys you are in for one helluva rush. These guys are well worth the ticket price. You will not be disappointed if you go see them play.

Well played, some incredible renditions played by Guns 2 Roses, the walls came crashing in, we had some singing tonight. And after the pandemic I think we all need that! And dear reader, it just did not stop until the final guitar chord, the final bass string plucked, the final whistle blow and the final hit of the drum was reached at the end of the gig. Well done to Gavin and the guys, heres to the next time!

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Guns 2 Roses: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Guns 2 Roses are on the web here – visit the website to keep up to date.

Surreal Panther

Surreal Panther - photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Surreal Panther – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Black Rabbit Productions really pulled the rabbit out of the hat tonight. Europe’s top Steel Panther tribute Surreal Panther, with the wonderful Jamie up front. Now Steel Panther missed me dear reader back in the day. I knew of them, their lyrics and of course some legendary album art work.

Surreal Panther - photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Surreal Panther – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Steel Panther is an American rock band from Los Angeles, California, mostly known for their profane and humorous lyrics, as well as an exaggerated on-stage pastiche of the stereotypical “glam metal” lifestyle. Those rockers, Bon Jovi, Van Halen, Poison etc were not safe from these guys. Surreal Panther have crafted their look and sound to match the originals. Can I say at this juncture I really did not know what to expect. But after their set, I fell for these guys hook, line and sinker. They were on point, and totally hilarious and deliciously crude! Oh, I may have forgotten to mention they ROCK! I bloody loved it.

Wild and untamed

Surreal Panther - photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Surreal Panther – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

These guys provided the large crowd with a damn fine 45 minutes set. It was full of top tunes and ribald humour. Was it all PC? Who cared tonight! It was wild and it was untamed.

Surreal Panther - photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Surreal Panther – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

I lost my set list notes but if memory serves we had Eyes of a Panther, and the rather off the wall song Glory Hole ( I suggest you google that one if you are not sure what that is but if you are of a sensitive disposition, then maybe not). This was brilliantly delivered and had the crowd transfixed and looking at each other in disbelief! It was breathtaking. The vocals and sound from the band were spot on.

Surreal Panther - photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Surreal Panther – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Being the first band on for the night meant that the crowd reaction was immediate from the moment the lights dimmed and everyone moved forward. As each member proceeded out they were met with a cheer. Saying Surreal Panther is a unique band would be a gross understatement, they are mimicking the real band, even down to the hair styles! Some folk had seem them before but this uniqueness drew us all in, we were after a couple of songs in to the set rocking out to one of the world’s funniest rock/metal acts, I know its a tribute band but trust me these guys are great fun and great musicians. These guys need to do a new Spinal Tap! Some hilarious band chat led us into Seventeen Girls.

Surreal Panther - photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Surreal Panther – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

We were treated by a full on back stories about oral sex and sex with the band. Four band members, now I cant even type “members” or “fill the support slot” without sniggering like a school boy – thanks so much Surreal Panther! Sixteen inches of err love, but at 4 inches at a time!

Surreal Panther - photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Surreal Panther – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

We had massive stage leaps, ripping fart sound FX. The voice does truly embody the spirit of those 80’s rock/metal acts that the band mimics, down to twirling mic stands with scarves à la Aerosmith style. His performance vocally is so strong, however the band had to help with a mid air leap.

Surreal Panther - photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Surreal Panther – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Filling that support slot!

I was thinking as the set came to a close what if Guns 2 Roses and Surreal Panther combined for a number or two, might be interesting! The tunes kept coming and all filled with debauchery and pure joyous hilarity and looking at the crowd they were often singing, dancing or just laughing along with it. This behaviour didn’t stop when the music stopped, as in between songs the band continued to be their usual raucous selves with hilarious banter and even the audience members were not safe!

Surreal Panther - photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Surreal Panther – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Other tunes I think included Fat Girl (thar she blows) and Pussy Whipped. All in all these guys were seriously good, a perfect mix that was entertaining and had the look and sound of the real thing.

Surreal Panther - photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Surreal Panther – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Just go see these guys, my advice is to leave Granny at home for the evening! Actually, don’t, bring her with you  – she might love it as much as we did! Thank you Surreal Panther – you rocked us, you pouted and preened, you messed about with us and you gave us a damn good forty minute set. Please come back soon!

Surreal Panther can be found here on Facebook

Mirko Fadda

Mirko Fadda - photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Mirko Fadda – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

“A concentrate of energetic and melodic guitar driven music, where the instrument serves the light of the melody as in vocal oriented structured songs. If you are into MUSE, DREAM THEATER and Soundtrack Music, this is something that will entertain you.”

Mirko Fadda - photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

Mirko Fadda – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

An enthralling and exciting set of rock driven guitar. One man and his six string, and then seven string guitar firing out some really pleasing guitar playing. I am always full of admiration for the lone guitar player on a stage. Mirko really engaged with the crowd from the off, and his master class of guitar goodness was warmly appreciated after each track. Extraordinary performance from this guitarist. The crowd that had gathered stood rooted to the spot as this set unwrapped tune after tune. This was just one man and his guitar. The sound was incredible. Well played.

Mirko is on the internet with his official website here.

And Finally

Well done to the team at Black Rabbit Productions. A great night and will always give you, bang for buck, a great night out!

Black Rabbit Productions hosted the evening. They work hard promoting live music on the south coast. They are a promotion company with years of experience putting on music shows. Tonight was superb. They have some great gigs lined up and a promise of Absolute Bowie – back in Brighton soon!  You can find Black Rabbit Productions on the WWW 

We work hard with the artists, the venues and the crowd to bring you the best photos and reviews across the area. Keep Music LIVE! Follow us on Twitter and on Facebook.

Please note all original images / video are copyright, please do not copy. If any of the featured artists/promoters/venues want copies of the images – or more if available – please just get in touch.

All original pictures / video – copyright to IANB/MEDIA WORKS/ SCENE SUSSEX – Ian “The Lens” Bourn 2021.

Got an event coming up? Need some gig photography, promo shots, previews or reviews? – please get in touch! See you down the front – come and say “hi!”

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