Dirt Royal: Waiting For The Radio
Dirt Royal are back!
Its been a while since Dirt Royal released a physical item. A new CD from the guys is out 18 May – and its a keeper! They are “Waiting For The Radio” and that ever elusive wide scale success. I was lucky to have been able to hear the finalised single before its release.
These guys work hard and play to a wide range of audience sizes. It doesn’t matter to them how big the crowd – you will get the whole package every time. They really do deserve that “big break”. They, whilst waiting for the radio, are always out playing and doing what they love.
Video: Waiting For The Radio (official)
The sound of a radio tuning in announces the start of the disc, and if you listen carefully you can catch a snippet of Dr Weekend ( the last physical release from the band) but you have got to be paying attention! The tuning effect fades away and in powers Loz, Charlie and Leon – an unforgettable blend of guitar chords and bass lines and super drumming. Its all there. The guys at their very best!
I have seen the guys perform this live a few times, and its always a crowd pleaser. This recording adds another layer to the live version and lifts the song with stunning vocals and harmonies, and the “arms in the air” chant line moment – followed by a great drop back into the song. Its a powerful song, and a couple of listens and I guarantee you will have it in your head – perfect! Check out the lyrics as you listen. The song hits all the boxes for the genres that Dirt Royal align with. Punk/mod guitars riffs and breaks, with a powerful bass line. The drum fills and patterns along with Loz’s cymbal work is great.
- Dirt Royal
- Dirt Royal
- Dirt Royal
- Dirt Royal
There is no chance of this being a “grower” – it hits you with that first listen. So much power and heartfelt emotion fill this 2mins and 45 secs. It really is that good! The boys are not “stuck in a rut” as this release proves. Damn – this record is catchy! And did I mention you can hear all the words!
The CD has four tracks, including a couple of exclusive demo tracks – all the tracks on this disc are worth listening to! Loving the track “Bored of Your Complaining”.
On the radio!
The song got its first airplay on MOD Radio on 10 May. The presenters liked it, the tuned in audience liked it and the song got some warm and positive remarks from the radio listeners! Well played MOD Radio, and well played DIRT ROYAL!
MOD Radio studio (Thanks. Studio Webcam picture)
Loving the look and feel of the artwork and social media pre-release campaign, its all Clash green, away from the Dr Weekend pink. A new logo and striking imagery all working to deliver a perfect package from Dirt Royal. It has obviously been put together with care and attention.
“Its never gonna come” – I hope it does for Dirt Royal, they deserve it.
On Tour
Supporting the release of this new CD the band are hitting the road, they have some great support slots with SHAM 69 and S*M*A*S*H. Well done guys you deserve it – enjoy the tour, just make sure you come back to Brighton.
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Dirt Royal are on the web
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