Make-up. Attitude. Poetry. Songs. Punk. SH!TS!CK! 1

SH!TS!CK - photo by Ian Bourn / Scene Sussex Media Works

SH!TS!CK – photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex

SH!TS!CK – the Grrrrrls were back to play!

I had been lucky to see these guys do their first gig and to photo/document that. Here they are back again with a few additions to the line up and some new material. I chatted to the band before the set. They were well up for the gig as they have more dates coming up and were excited to be playing back in Brighton.

The Band

Dressed in an assortment of gear ranging from punk to the continued Tank Girl feel, they certainly looked the part. Punk tarten, zips, ripped leggings and leather,  When I first saw these guys I don’t think anyone really knew what to expect! This time it was different they have gained a few followers and fans now and the Prince Albert in Brighton was full.

Jay Ranae
Tilly Squeaks
Quartina Blue

They are on a mission “Capturing the cityscape of corrupt governments and a dismantling of the welfare state“. It seemed anyone or everyone was fair game ranging from the taxman to Tescos and Sainsbury’s. The crowd joined in and enjoyed the humourous content and lyrics from some of their material. No chance for the Albert audience to get restless as SH!TS!CK fired at us a stream of material for almost an hour. As before there was lots of shouting, lots of swear words and everything was just as new, challenging and fresh as when I first saw these guys. They want to bring back punk rock, I think they did just that but with their own style, and a terrific no holds barred sense of humour.

A Video:

So whats it to be? Songs, music, poetry you decide! Sit back and soak up some of the atmosphere and raw, passionate performance from SH!TS!CK as they hit you with Suck Sainsburys.

SH!TS!CK – Live Brighton

SH!TS!CK – Live Brighton

Posted by IANB's Media Works on Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Nice performance you guys – keep it going! Some Rock n Roll / Punk language included.

A good set, some ska and reggae influences also coming through with Dying Wage. Other items included Punk Mums, the mighty Fascist Country and Home.

As I say the audience has grown for theses guys, they now have guitar and drums player to work beside the hard working bassist all mixing to create a dub punk sound.Well played, and hope to see you again soon. Keep punk rockin!

“You can see it in the band and the audiences eyes something’s happening & it’s really exciting & remarkably in this day and age something brand new”.


Ivy Lane is a new promoter in Brighton. They cover all kinds of events , live music specialist , bands , PR, pop up bars , pop up restaurants and artist liaison.

Ivy Lane are on Facebook

SH!TS!CK are on Facebook




Please note all images / video are copyright, please do not copy (not official video) . If any of the featured artists/promoters/venues want copies of the images – or more if available – please just get in touch.

All original pictures – copyright to IANB/MEDIA WORKS/ SCENE SUSSEX – Ian “The Lens” Bourn 2018.

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