The Scaners – pic by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
The Scaners arrivent à Brighton! They’re here! The Scanners parked up their UFO at a near by alien crash site and beamed into The Prince Albert in Brighton – the band, from France had promised to return. They were now back and all of the songs fired at us at 100mph. It was a punk fueled roller-coaster of a ride – and I didn’t want to get off!
The Scaners
On December 16, 2017 the Pentagon officially confirmed that there was, in fact, a $22 million US government program to collect and analyze “anomalous aerospace threats” – government-speak for UFOs and aliens.Over the water in Lyon, France The Scaners didn’t need any official acknowledgment of this, as it would appear from the band’s eponymous debut LP that they’ve had first-hand knowledge all along. And they might, perhaps, have been co-conspirators, riding shotgun in various spacecraft, playing a sci-fi synth-punk rock game of cat and mouse and somehow evading the US government’s “Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program”
Now it’s 2018 and the crackpots and tin-foil hat brigade have had the last laugh. The Scaners’ time is now! They’re ready to launch their sonic full-scale abduction of planet Earth.
The Band:
Pav: Lead vocals / organ
Dédé: Guitar / backing vocals
Tama: Bass
Pierrick: Drums / backing vocals
The Band: A slideshow – the characters!
- The Scaners – Pav
- The Scaners – Dédé
- The Scaners -Tama
- The Scaners – Pierrick
It was the second time for me seeing the guys play live. This time around the guys gave one of the fastest, loudest, most enjoyable and fun sets I have seen in a long time. They are one of the finest bands you could want to see live – the visuals, the performance and sheer music power is something you do not want to miss! Yeah – loved them and loved the set. The performing area was pretty packed at The Prince Albert – four guys and an assortment of instruments. Tama had damaged his leg so there was also a couple of crutches up there also! Hats off to him – you could see he was in a lot of pain – but the show went on. So, anyway, folk always ask for comparisons so maybe a mix of The Ramones, The Rezillos, Plastic Bertrand, The Spits, The Dickies and The Stitches – this actually looks good on paper but its just a hint of what you see and hear when you are in front of this amazing band live!

The Scaners – pic by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
The band have a new album out – called imaginatively “The Scaners” – when I saw them last, the album was being pressed. Delighted to add a signed copy of this slab of bright yellow vinyl to my collection! Thanks guys!
The Set
We were treated to 21 songs (I think) lasting anything from about 30 seconds to 2 minutes! – All of the songs fired at us at 100mph. It was a punk fueled roller-coaster of a ride – and I didn’t want to get off!
Pierrick, at the back on drums worked damn hard with swerat running down his face and counting in each of the songs à la Ramones “1-2-3-4” or at times in German. He has a unique, powerful style all backed up with some strong fills. Pav, the man at the front, and what a performer, was on vocals and a massive set of keyboards and linked into various electronic bits of kit. Hat, sunglasses and a black glove – he looked immaculate, with his whiter than white denim jacket! Tama on bass and vocals put down some strong bass riffs, all the while dealing with his leg injury wincing in pain from time to time but he didn’t stop working hard linking with the drums to provide a solid sound. On a rather splendid Mosrite was Dédé. This he can can play! He used bits of furniture to get sounds, he used a mic stand to scrape the strings and a theremin to produce out of this world effects – and all the while producing a face slapping guitar performance, all topped off with a Ramones gutsy mosrite growl from time to time.
- The Scaners: Pav – pic by Ian Bourn
- The Scaners: Dédé – pic by Ian Bourn
Levitation Train got the sonic ball of punk underway, followed by Abduction – both tracks from the new album. Also in the mix was UFO Crash and Take Me To Your Leader. Pav at one point invited the crowd to relax – and assumed the role of a pilot advising us passengers “sit back, relax and enjoy our flight” – no chance to relax as the band hit us hard with more alien zapping tunes.
- The Scaners: Tama
- The Scaners: Pierrick
The last time I saw the guys it was a shorter set. This time they had been unleashed with some serious wattage behind their sound. The Prince Albert positively shook with The Scaners! These guys were taking no prisoners as they dragged us along on their riotous UFO trek through the atmosphere! I Dont Wanna Go and Please Abduct Me saw the The Scaners taking us on their UFO on their out of this world space trip – then suddenly it all stopped leaving us to fall back to earth.
Well played guys. Loved every sweat soaked second.
This really was a rock and roll show, it ticked all the boxes that needed a tick for me. On a Sunday – only in the wonderful Brighton can you go see a great band and meet up again with the crazy but absolutely stunning The Scaners. The Scaners are just terrific – hailing from France – one of the hottest – good time – fun – punk rock and roll bands I have seen this year. Pav said they will come back across the channel and they have some new material coming soon! I am ready!
If they land and play near you for goodness sake just GO!
The Scaners’ debut album is a great mix of garage, punk, and new-wave. I think the crowd that saw the band perform are all awaiting the next abduction.
A huge thanks to the guys for letting me do the photography for this – Thank you Scaners!
The Scaners are on Facebook
The promoters – Weirdsville had paired up The Jack Cades.
The Jack Cades.
I always enjoy seeing a band for the first time, and The Jack Cades didn’t disappoint! The Jack Cades–a “supergroup” of sorts hailing from the UK. Specialising in 60’s era garage/psych/rhythm & blues. The band formed up in 2017 when lead guitarist/vocalist Mike Whittaker and his wife, rhythm guitarist/vocalist Elsa Whittaker, decided to record some tracks at Matthew “Mole” Lambert‘s notorious State Records Studios in Folkestone, Kent. Chatting with Mark after the set he said this was their third live gig. Astonishing really as they impressed the heck out of everyone seeing them at The Prince Albert. They have a handful of great songs and a terrific line up of musicians delivering them.
- The Jack Cades
- The Jack Cades
- The Jack Cades
- The Jack Cades
The Band
Mike – Lead Guitar, Vocals
Elsa – Rhythm Guitar, Vocals
Alexandra – Bass
Mole – Drums, Backing Vocals
The genre they list themselves as is “Rhythm & Blues, Garage Punk, Blues… Twangy stuff… Call it what you want !” It was a hot sticky night in Brighton and the cool guitar sounds matched the atmosphere perfectly. A 30 minutes set takes us along nicely at a fast pace, with tunes from their album “Music For Children”. They work together well and sounded good, with some surf guitars thrown in. That 60’s era garage sound is there – and all backed with some fine drums and bass. They got the crowd movin and a shakin from the get-go!
They played a few tracks of the Music For Children release. The songs were new to me – but they sounded great to hear. All songs delivered on point and a superb choice as a guest slot. These guys, The Jack Cades, absolutely deserve some space here. Nice set, well played and hope to see you again soon!
The Jack Cades are on Facebook
The night was promoted by Wierdsville – a great choice of bands to bring to Brighton on a Sunday night – congrats to ya. Well organised and run by friendly people who care about the music, the artists and the public who buy the tickets. Usually operate in London – so was a great chance to meet the team, and hope they continue to bring music to the south coast.
Weirdsville are on Facebook and on the WWW via the tab at You Got Good Taste
Also a shout for Jon on the Prince Albert sound desk – awesome – great levels and we heard every instrument, and the Theramin and word.
Thats it! See you down the front, come and say hi!
All photos/words/videos are copyright to IANB/MEDIA WORKS and Scene Sussex. If anyone, the artists or venues require any of these photos, or more if available, please get in touch.
Got an event coming up? Need some gig photography, promo shots, previews or reviews? – please get in touch!