TOKYO TABOO – New Single – American Dream.



From the opening salvo Tokyo Taboo wage war on your ears and heart. There is no holding back.


Riotous rockers Tokyo Taboo have built quite a reputation for their spectacular, character driven, and often shocking vibrant live performances. They have put up some brilliant live streams and the talent and pure charm of Dolly and Mickey oozes from you PC screen. They really have worked so damn hard during lockdown.

The duo now with a full on band with them are ready to raise hell and then some when the restrictions are lifted. To whet our appetites, and to keep those of us suffering TT withdrawal symptoms, they have dropped a new single.


American Dream

We love Tokyo Taboo here at Scene Sussex, one of the most exciting bands you could want to see, and they granted us an early listen. Be warned, Tokyo Taboo are not holding back on this one. Its brutally awesome!

The pre-release advertising featuring “Donald Trump” was a work of genius. It racked up thousands of views, and that figure is still climbing. The full video contains Donalds message to the band!

This has it all, buzzing guitars and a powerful drum and pounding bass line. Dolly is up front, her vocals will rip your throat out on this one. Tokyo Taboo do not mess about with the lyrics, every word is delivered with power and venom. She means every word. This one will nail you to the wall! This is way up there, pure classic Tokyo Taboo angst. Its gonna smack you round the face, the politically/historically  shaped lyrics are brilliant. I don’t think there was any “Fake News” in this. If you are not sure what Mr Trump has been up to, then make no mistake, this song will fill the gaps.

You know what, this anthemic guitar laden belter might just make us feel better about everything that’s going on right now. Only one person I can think of might disagree with that!

Put Babies In Cages…

Its all in there, the whole gory story. Mr Trump is sitting in his high chair with a drum kit at the start of the video, the crowd pleasing chant of “La La La La” then greets you. And into the song with sing along lyrics we go. Dolly and Mickey appear briefly and Mr Trump dissolves and breaks down in front of you eyes.

These guys are so good at stitching together rock and pop-punk and weaving in some fine lyrics. From the opening salvo Tokyo Taboo wage war on your ears and heart. There is no holding back or looking back.  They will pummel you into submission on this one with the scathing full on attack lyrics, that huge barrage of kick ass drum patterns, if you try to get up off the floor then the hammering basslines and the band will come together and beat you up with one vicious guitar riff after the other, superb Mickey!

The Video

Ok – here it is – prepare yourself… American Dream featuring sssssh you know who and Dolly and Mickey…

All in all – we loved this. First listen had us totally hooked and reaching for the You Tube replay. I read somewhere that this song could be the modern take on the Sex Pistols “God Save The Queen” and the furore that the release created, I totally agree. It could all end up getting banned! I imagine Trump has never heard anything like this. His social media people will be over this, no doubt about it. So grab it quick is my advice.

You will find lots to enjoy and think about from this jet-propelled release and the video.

Thank you Tokyo Taboo – you damn well nailed another classic.

“The song is anti everything Trump stands for,” Dolly explains: “The misogyny, narcissism, racism and right-wing idiot politics that are out dated and tiresome. We can’t just stay “in our lane” and stand by anymore. Politics and music go hand in hand and this is our way of fighting everything the current POTUS represents.”

Grab it from various places – but head to the Tokyo Taboo website.

And Finally…


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