Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Dirty DC, Concorde 2, Black Rabbit Productions – 20/10/2023
Concorde 2 was packed solid, I think this gig had actually sold out. In the crowd we saw crews of metal head veterans, we could see a group of younger gig goers proudly wearing the flashing red horns. This scan across the crowd reassured me that AC/DC music breaks any age boundaries. It is still cool to like their simple, yet extremely catchy riffs, which make up for a powerage of a show. Dirty DC are top of their game, they look great and sound, well, like AC/DC!

Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Now, if you’re going to replicate a musical rock outfit with a global fan base, then firstly you better know the material, and then you have to put on the actual performance. And you better make sure you do it well. Top tribute act Dirty DC? Well, I can confirm they did and carried it off perfectly with total style, authenticity and amps set to 11. The packed in crowd recognised the authenticity as nearly everyone sings along exultantly with every song.

Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
The rest of the band were damn solid and tight but not really getting into the spotlight, and at times lost in the thick smoke and back of the stage lighting. Shame. Daniel on Guitars, Colin on Bass and Sam on drums. All three guys in the rhythm section provided a solid background for “Angus’s” guitar antics, and “Brian’s” or “Bon’s” athletic vocal work and at times just plain screaming. The set list was filled with all the big hitters with representations of the AC/DC heavy back catalogue. These guys really play a very straight and tight version of that AC/DC rock and roll.

Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Angus Young/James Gould — argued as possibly as the spirit of AC/DC and a wikipedia definition of a rock n’ roll guitarist. James was going supernova tonight. He handles everything authentically from lengthy solo breaks to those riffs all the while cavorting over the Concorde 2 stage, running, jumping, and donning the trademark school uniform. He seemed unstoppable, it was really a breath-taking performance to watch. He only stopped once, and that was to do a mini strip tease removing tie, jacket and his shorts! The shorts were quickly pulled back up after mooning the crowd.

Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Two for the price of one!

Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Brian Johnson/Chris Hill — Authentic? Oh yes! This guy hits it at full tilt. With the trademark flat cap, he was also running around the stage, screaming out those the songs. And his voice is on point. I think he sounded exactly as Brian does. Does he sing? I think more accurately the best way to describe it is that he really screams it out. An awesome vocal display. We had a brief chat during one of his breaks and reminded him of the last time we met. Just after lockdown #1 and the audience was seated. “Oh yeah, rock and roll, that was a fun night!”. He then headed back to the stage.

Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Bon Scott/Sean Mulvihill – as above! So authentic, the hair, the tight jeans and the shirts all replicated the look and feel of Bon Scott. Top that off with a superb vocal performance. Bon Scott was one of the most iconic rock vocalists of all time, tonight Sean paid his vocal respects to the notorious Scott using his most impressive vocal performance.
Heat Seeker!
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Damn it was hot and sweaty in there, Chris had sweat emerging from underneath his cloth cap. Sean had sweat running down his face and finally gave into the heat by removing his denim waistcoat. It’s got to be a physical strain for both singers but they get there, and in style.

Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
The Set
You can feel the audience’s reactions the best during many of the songs but the opening of Thunderstruck. “Angus” plays the true axe-man role here and you can just see his seemingly endless energy here over and during every song! I had been fortunate to meet up with Chris Slade, and do some photos on his latest tour, he was the former sticks man for AC/DC, and he toured on the Rock Or Bust tour. He is an awesome drummer but hats off to Sam Jones for his handling of that one, and he powered his way through the set! Drums and bass were perfectly in tune tonight. Powerful stuff indeed.
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
It’s hit after hit and riff after riff. Thunderstruck elicits a huge roar from the crowd, as does You Shook Me All Night Long. Both blistering versions from Dirty DC. The vocal duties were swapped between Sean for the early Bon Scott material and Chris on the Brian Johnson material. Two AC/DC’s for the price of one. Both vocalists working so hard to deliver the varied vocals and performances.

Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
From Back In Black it was obvious that Chris can ‘do’ Johnnson, but he follows it up with a searing Shoot To Thrill before and a swaggering Sean opened up tonight giving the crowd a confident romp through Riff Raff, Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be and If You Want Blood, he shows us that he really can ‘do’ Scott.
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
It helped that the set list is so well known by the loyal fans packed in Concorde 2 tonight, that the whole concert actually became a huge sing-a-long karaoke party. There were mass singalongs to Thunderstruck and Hells Bells and when announcing Whole Lotta Rosie, the crowd went nuts, sadly there was no giant inflatable doll erected on stage for us. Actually the lack of props and theatrics took nothing away from the Dirty DC boys performance. I saw AC/DC with Bon Scott back in the day on one of the Rock Goes To College shows, there were no props or massive video screens back then!

Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Dirty DC finished up with the same two songs – Highway to Hell and For Those About to Rock – that have been the AC/DC encores. But then It’s A long Way To The Top If You Wanna Rock And Roll!

Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
I feel good for some of these tribute bands who play the music well and can bring so much intensity, authenticity and quality to their shows. If you have never seen AC/DC live, these guys will take you close to it.

Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
A superb evening from Dirty DC. Damn it was LOUD, the lighting and sound was top notch tonight from the Concorde 2 team.
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
All in all, Dirty DC‘s gig in Brighton was highly enjoyable. These guys turn it up to 11 and hit everything with just the same level of energy as they did last time I was lucky enough to see them. Dirty DC sounded like AC/DC should; absolutely brilliant!
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
- Dirty DC: Photo by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Dirty DC – “we salute you” – Great concert, enough said! Lets Rock!
Dirty DC are on the WWW – here!
And Finally…
Huge thanks to Dirty DC
Thanks to Black Rabbit Productions
Thanks to the team at Concorde 2
Black Rabbit Productions hosted the evening. They work hard promoting live music on the south coast. They are a promotion company with years of experience putting on music shows. Tonight was superb. They have some great gigs lined up. You can find Black Rabbit Productions on the WWW
Words and photos by Ian Bourn.
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Please note all original images / video are copyright, please do not copy. If any of the featured artists/promoters/venues want copies of the images – or more if available – please just get in touch.
All original pictures / video – copyright to IANB/MEDIA WORKS/ SCENE SUSSEX – Ian “The Lens” Bourn 2023.
Got an event coming up? Need some gig photography, promo shots, previews or reviews? – please get in touch! See you down the front – come and say “hi!”