Guns2Roses: Pic by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Concorde 2 was busy tonight. The crowd had be well warmed up by Kiss Tribute SNOG and now the crowd was baying for more! Guns 2 Roses were the headliners. Concorde 2 was pretty rammed tonight and the heat outside was matched inside the venue, no respite in the shade for anyone tonight and it was only going to get hotter. Now, I imagine most people in their times have a copy of Guns N Roses debut album Appetite For Destruction – what an album, but that was really as far as it went for me apart from further single releases. Never saw them live, so I was anticipating Guns 2 Roses to settle those missed gigs.

Guns2Roses: Pic by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Guns 2 Roses
Guns 2 Roses took to the stage and appeared to just breeze through over 90 minutes of pure rock and roll. They were here tonight to play hits from the self-proclaimed ‘most dangerous band on the planet’, and their were a few other surprises in store. Concorde 2 for one night only became the capital of Paradise City as Guns2Roses, one of the top tributes to Guns N’ Roses, in the world took to the stage to a massive welcoming cheer.

Guns2Roses: Pic by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
For a tribute band it was great to see no hesitant crowd members staying towards the back of the venue. The opening riffs of Welcome To The Jungle lit the fuse for the musical display we were about to watch and join in with, the sold out crowd surged forward. We were then led into a super version of It’s So Easy. That’s how you do it ladies and gents! A real attention grabber from the get go. Two songs in, the first two tracks from the above mentioned album, and as the hot bodies in the crowd danced, bumped and sang, you could only get a sense of what was to come.

Guns2Roses: Pic by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Mr Brownstone was up next as the instantly recognisable Bond themed Live and Let Die followed. The rendition of Live and Let Die was pure unadulterated rock and roll energy as the band jumped around the stage, swapping places and avoiding collisions, no mean feat considering the space they had up there. Did I mention the hair, there was so much of it! And heads were shaken and hair thrown backwards. Each member of the band were introduced by “Axl”.

Guns2Roses: Pic by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Yeah! Attitude was next. Bassist ‘Duff’ used every inch of the stage to move and throw his hair, running back and forth and even singing the song, Attitude, and My Michelle were fired point blank into our sweating faces. The first two tracks from side two of the album. “Slash” did switch for the trademark top hat for a while but sadly the smoke machine and the dip in lighting meant only those really up close could see it. I have to say, and confirm, not only do Guns 2 Roses sound exactly like the band they’re paying homage to, but over the time they have spent together playing, they have finely tuned, or indeed crafted, their show to give you an experience of a Guns N’ Roses gig.

Guns2Roses: Pic by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
I was adjusting the camera, when a couple of girls at the front tapped me on the shoulder and pointed at the stage. There was “Axl”! The previous week I had been subject to banter from The Sex Pissed Dolls, so was a little reluctant to get involved! “You having problems?” he asked, not sure where this was going to go “problems taking photos? what’s up?” We had a conversation over the mic and “Axl” introduced me as a friend of theirs and demanded the lighting guys light the stage so everyone could see them. It was all done in good spirits but the result was met with a cheer from the crowd as we could now see the band and not just silhouettes. Think About You was next.

Guns2Roses: Pic by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Slither led into a solo break and Axl left the stage. A solo guitar slot and the marvellous Civil War. The guitars started up, the crowd due due to the incredible renditions played by Guns 2 Roses, the walls came crashing in, the serious dancing and singing began, and dear reader, it just did not stop until the final guitar chord, the final bass string plucked, the final key pressed, the final hit of the drum was reached at the end of the gig.

Guns2Roses: Pic by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
We also had a ripping version of the AC/DC song Whole Lotta Rosie. “Slash” stepped forward to be met by some lady grabbing at his legs! The bass player launched into the crowd for some lively crowd surfing. It really was all going off tonight in Brighton. Rocket Queen was up next, and a brief lull in the ear shattering goodness came in the shape of Knocking On Heavens Door, and again the mighty Brighton choir made a suitable effort in joining in.

Guns2Roses: Pic by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
The guys didn’t settle for long as November Rain was up and followed by Night Train. The last song was announced to a roof lifting cheer from the crowd, it was that song… Paradise City. The crowd went wild for this one, fist pumping, dancing and singing along to every word. A superb end to a brilliant night.

Guns2Roses: Pic by Ian Bourn for Scene Sussex
Axl has absolutely perfected the voice, the hand gestures, mannerisms and dance moves used by err, Axl. The sound, the band, the musicianship all comes together and will put it into a whole experience for anyone going to see them and will give them a night to remember. The band love what they do (they are good at it), they love and clearly appreciate their fans and for a ticket price seriously less than the real guys you are in for one helluva rush. These guys are well worth the ticket price. You will not be disappointed if you go see them play.
Guns 2 Roses – a Video!
Join in with the packed in tight crowd at Concorde 2.
I think that final run of songs in, what I thought to be a flawless set, which finalised that “return ticket” for me. ‘Paradise City’ played and performed so well and to see the crowd reaction was amazing. Concorde 2 may need some urgent roof repairs as Guns 2 Roses and the crowd damn near lifted it off.
You do not need to use your imagination or half shut your eyes (or ears) to realise just how good these guys are. And next time, the after show party, you are so on for that!
I was asked to jump on stage behind the drum kit to do the end of gig photo. My pockets were crammed with lenses, mobile phones, flash guns which meant I couldn’t bend my legs! I got there eventually – sorry guys I am usually way more agile than that – and here is the photo!
Thank you Guns 2 Roses. Enjoyed that!
Black Rabbit Productions hosted the evening. They work hard promoting live music on the south coast. They are a promotion company with years of experience putting on music shows. Tonight was superb. They have some great gigs lined up. You can find Black Rabbit Productions on the WWW
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Please note all original images / video are copyright, please do not copy. If any of the featured artists/promoters/venues want copies of the images – or more if available – please just get in touch.
All original pictures / video – copyright to IANB/MEDIA WORKS/ SCENE SUSSEX – Ian “The Lens” Bourn 2019.
Got an event coming up? Need some gig photography, promo shots, previews or reviews? – please get in touch! See you down the front – come and say “hi!”