Jake Bugg stops off for acoustic set in Brighton

Jake Bugg - photo by Ian Bourn / Scene Sussex / Media Works

Jake Bugg – photo by Ian Bourn / Scene Sussex / Media Works

Jake Bugg

On Tuesday 13 March, singer songwriter Jake Bugg made a scheduled stop at the Brighton Dome. This was the last night of his “Solo Acoustic” tour. This promised to be a night for the audience with a set crammed with his old hits, and newer songs from his most recently released album ‘Hearts that Strain’.

The venue lights were dimmed almost pitch black on the floor area and shouts, applause and cheers announced that Jake Bugg was on stage. Jake was seated for most of the set and he opened up with a couple of newer songs which included How Soon the Dawn. Brighton was in fine voice as almost everyone joined in for this, and most of the songs through out the entire set.  Jake was singing his heart out for the audience, and they in turn sang the lyrics straight back to Jake.

These initial songs allowed the the audience to tune in and adjust to the dark. It was very dark in there, smoke machines pumping out clouds of the stuff. Jakes casual walk onto the stage with a wave all worked to build and create that hard to achieve intimate atmosphere. It worked.

I have to say, never seeing him play before that his guitar style is impressive, I witnessed some incredible finger picking guitar playing, no picks. He was out there on his own, playing his songs and singing his heart out, with his unique sound and style. He completely controlled that stage. It was all his. He performed an incredible mixture of songs from both his old and new albums including ‘Simple As This’.  There was not much talking between songs except for a brief introduction and whilst taking a drink from his G&T, so we got more music. There was some audience participation as folk shouted out requests “nah, not doing that one” to answering back to individuals shouts, some of which were hilarious.

There were some uptempo songs delivered as Jake furiously played another of the many guitars that were on stage with him. There was also some of the slower material from Mr Bugg such as Country Song and  Someone Told Me. A brilliant selection that had the audience from the get go.

A Video:

Jake Bugg – in Brighton

Jake Bugg – in Brighton at The Dome March 2018

Posted by IANB's Media Works on Saturday, 17 March 2018

A short mixer video of Jake Bugg playing in Brighton.

So many songs but included Taste it, Someone Told Me, Seen It All, Two Fingers, Waiting and closing the set with  Lightning Bolt. Jake left the stage vanishing into the darkness, he gave us all a wave goodbye before being cloaked in smoke, it looked as if he really had had a good time and was appreciative of his fans who had come out to Brighton to listen and participate with his music. For nearly an hour and 30 minutes  Jake Bugg gave us an enthralling, close up and intimate performance. He delivered a top set, playing and displaying a brilliant array of songs from his extensive catalogue. Jake’s awesome guitar playing accompanied with his unique, stunning vocal, created an evening of unforgettable live acoustic music.

Well played Jake Bugg.

Jake Bugg - photo by Ian Bourn / Scene Sussex / Media Works

Jake Bugg – photo by Ian Bourn / Scene Sussex / Media Works


Jake Bugg is on the WWW here

Thanks as always to the lovely staff at The Brighton Dome for looking after me. Always a pleasure to go there.


Please note all original images / video are copyright, please do not copy. If any of the featured artists/promoters/venues want copies of the images – or more if available – please just get in touch.

All original pictures / video – copyright to IANB/MEDIA WORKS/ SCENE SUSSEX – Ian “The Lens” Bourn 2018.

Got an event coming up? Need some gig photography, promo shots, previews or reviews? – please get in touch! See you down the front – come and say “hi!”


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